Version actuelle du message - v3
Statut : ActifDate de publication : 26/01/2024 10:28:32Date de début : 16/11/2023 16:34:49Société : EDF
As of today, Golfech 2 unit will have to save a quantity of fuel equivalent to 30 days of full load operation before its next refueling outage. This will be done through imposed load limitations or outages.
Version antérieure du message - v2
Statut : InactifDate de publication : 29/11/2023 16:52:10Date de début : 16/11/2023 16:34:49Société : EDF
As of today, Golfech 2 unit will have to save a quantity of fuel equivalent to 14 days of full load operation before its next refueling outage. This will be done through imposed load limitations or outages.
Version antérieure du message - v1
Statut : InactifDate de publication : 16/11/2023 16:35:45Date de début : 16/11/2023 16:34:49Société : EDF
As of today, Golfech 2 unit will have to save a quantity of fuel equivalent to 30 days of full load operation before its next refueling outage. This will be done through imposed load limitations or outages.