
  • Current version of the message - v3
    • Status : Active
      Publication date : 18/12/2024 11:22:07
      Start date : 08/05/2024 18:47:42
      Company : EDF

      Flamanville 3 EPR (Message 2/2)
      The volume of electricity produced from the first grid connection until the first planned outage called "VC1" will be around 14 TWh. 

      This first planned outage should mainly take place in 2026. Its organization, content and subsequent duration are under construction.

  • Earlier version of the message - v2
    • Status : Inactive
      Publication date : 02/09/2024 22:51:43
      Start date : 08/05/2024 18:47:42
      Company : EDF

      Flamanville 3 EPR (Message 2/2)
      The first planned outage, called “Visite Complète 1”, should mainly take place in 2026 and last several months. Its organization, content and subsequent duration are under construction.



  • Earlier version of the message - v1
    • Status : Inactive
      Publication date : 08/05/2024 18:48:02
      Start date : 08/05/2024 18:47:42
      Company : EDF

      Flamanville 3 EPR (Message 2/2)
      - The generated power volume from the first grid connection until the next planned outage is estimated at 14 TWh
      - The first planned outage, called “Visite Complète 1”, should mainly take place in 2026 and last several months. Its organization, content and subsequent duration are under construction