
  • Current version of the message - v4
    • Status : Active
      Publication date : 18/12/2024 11:20:25
      Start date : 08/05/2024 18:47:06
      Company : EDF

      Flamanville 3 EPR (Message 1/2)
      The first connection to the grid of Flamanville 3 is scheduled for December 20, 2024. After its connection, the reactor will be operated at different capacity levels until summer 2025, which will conclude the testing phase. 

      At the end of this testing period, the unit is expected to be operated at 100% capacity until the first planned outage for maintenance and refueling, called Visite Complète 1 (VC1).

  • Earlier version of the message - v3
    • Status : Inactive
      Publication date : 02/09/2024 22:49:39
      Start date : 08/05/2024 18:47:06
      Company : EDF

      Flamanville 3 EPR (Message 1/2)
      The first divergence is about to start.

      First connection to the grid is scheduled before the end of autumn 2024.

      The test phase after the first grid connection includes different capacity levels submitted to agreements from the Nuclear Safety Authority

      The generated power volume from the first grid connection until the next planned outage is estimated at 14 TWh

  • Earlier version of the message - v2
    • Status : Inactive
      Publication date : 08/05/2024 19:26:59
      Start date : 08/05/2024 18:47:06
      Company : EDF

      Flamanville 3 EPR (Message 1/2)
      - Fuel loading has started the 08 May 2024, it will last a few days
      - First connection to the grid is scheduled in summer 2024
      - The test phase after the first grid connection includes different capacity levels submitted to agreements from the Nuclear Safety Authority

  • Earlier version of the message - v1
    • Status : Inactive
      Publication date : 08/05/2024 18:47:25
      Start date : 08/05/2024 18:47:06
      Company : EDF

      Flamanville 3 EPR (Message 1/2)
      - Fuel loading is scheduled has started the 08 May 2024, it will last a few days
      - First connection to the grid is scheduled in summer 2024
      - The test phase after the first grid connection includes different capacity levels submitted to agreements from the Nuclear Safety Authority