
  • Current version of the message - v2
    • Status : Dismissed
      Publication date : 07/11/2024 18:38:27
      Start date : 23/01/2024 14:21:47
      Company : EDF

      As of today, Cattenom 1 unit will have to save a quantity of fuel equivalent to 110 days of full load operation before its next refueling outage planned on 15/03/2025. This will be done through imposed load limitations or outages. The quantity of fuel to be saved may be readjusted in case of modification in the unit maintenance schedule.

  • Earlier version of the message - v1
    • Status : Inactive
      Publication date : 23/01/2024 14:22:52
      Start date : 23/01/2024 14:21:47
      Company : EDF

      As of today, Cattenom 1 unit will have to save a quantity of fuel equivalent to 110 days of full load operation before its next refueling outage planned on 15/03/2025. This will be done through imposed load limitations or outages. The quantity of fuel to be saved may be readjusted in case of modification in the unit maintenance schedule.